Monday, February 14, 2005


I just read Pixie Potter’s Adventures. Her last post says they are moving to Bend, Oregon. I’d like to point out that this CAN NOT possibly be true, since no one has asked my permission! I can’t believe it, I’ve know this baby since she was born, I spent a year and a half of my life as her nanny! She is The Man’s and my first baby. I’m staving off having a breakdown until I see the moving trucks.

In the meantime I’ll be in the corner rocking in the fetal position.

1 comment(s):

  • Brit - I called my mom this morning. She said it isn't for sure....
    Think of it this way - you'll have an excuse to go to Bend and visit!

    By Blogger Kasmira, at 2/14/2005 11:37:00 AM  

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