Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Denim Ohio Star Quilt

Completed my 3.5 today per week nine of Higdon's novice training plan. Poor Jonah, I had planned on taking him with me, but Mr. Moo was up at 4:30 so he came instead. A black dog and a baby stroller in the dark is just one too many safety hazards. I finished in 42 minutes which is good considering the baby stroller takes at least a minute (sometimes more depending on hills) off my miles, and I had to stop to pick up a tossed sippy cup several times. Also my toe blister popped (disgust-o) while I was running so now I really am going to have to steal Marisa's blog title!

Jonah the Dog's Log:
no balls
no run
sad doggie.

In Quilting news it is Block of the Month day, but I haven't finished my Block yet, so hopefully pictures later. In the meantime, continuing with Denim Quilt Theme week this is the second quilt I made out of denim, it was for my cousin (seen at top, No! he really isn't that tall, he is standing at the top of stairs, hanging the quilt, although he is 6'3, I don't mess around with little quilts *grin*) when he graduated from highschool.

I had actually taken a quilting class by the time I made this denim quilt. Notice the Ohio star center, and the sawtooth stars in the corners. I have a star problem, I love stars, pieced stars, applique stars, stars on fabric...I've actually consciously not pieced any BOM stars for the last two BOM rotations. Until today. Today's is a star, but more about that later.

Working in denim can be difficult, but rewarding and it's great for guys! Pamalamadingdong is working on a denim quilt and I can't wait to see it! Speaking of other bloggers. Sarah has posted some great pics, although we are all bummed that she has to keep her wedding quilt a secret from the receipients so none of us get to see pics either. *so sad*

Well Mr. Moo and I have a whirlwind social calender today, with a playdate and hopefully a Pixie sighting allthough word on the street is that she has a temp!

1 comment(s):

  • You're recycling a lot of denim! All the quilts look great. Did you save up old jeans for years, or hit Goodwill?

    By Blogger Kate, at 3/16/2005 05:16:00 AM  

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