Friday, February 11, 2005


Look to your right for the new link I added, shamelessly asking you to support Lil Zoot's (son of Zoot) in raising money for the American Heart Association. I donated, now you should too! The poor little guy spent the night puking his little guts out, surprise him with some donations!

This whole no picture posting problemo is throwing off my blogging groove, my mojo is damaged. I struggled with Flickr last night but couldn’t figure out how to post to my blog. I did successfully post their TEST FROM FLICKR note to my blog several times but never was I able to post this monkey sock picture I took of Pixie’s feet yesterday.

(Thanks to The Man for posting it for me, love The Man!)

Pixie Potter has started her own blog…entirely on her own, neither her sister nor I helped her. How smart is she? I mean she is only eleven! I’m more impressed with her everyday!

Speaking of impressive, Lady J and I are easily running 5miles now, and are looking to up our mileage next week. Lady J is training for Bloomsday and I’m headed out there as well, but I still have to complete my half marathon first, that's in April.

While we were running at the crack of dawn, this morning, I felt like something was on my face, as I swatted at it, I realized my hair was frozen! That hasn’t happened to me since I was in Pullman.

Lady J and I had to stop and feel each others hair because touching someone else’s head while running is down right dangerous!

In other completely random news, I hope the UPS guy brings me my shoes today! Although I don’t really expect him till next week, I did see a pictures of my new shoes in the new Road Runner that came in the mail yesterday…I’m sooo excited.

Now back to my flickr lesson……..grrr

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