Sunday, March 20, 2005

Rain, Rain, go away....

at least until I take Mr. Moo's Easter pictures, how am I supposed to dress him up in cute springy clothes if the ground is sopping wet and the daffodils are drippy?

This morning I was supposed to run 6.2 miles, I didn't. I'm not sure how many I ran but it was more than three. I do know that I ate WAY TOO MANY oreos and cadburry eggs at quilting and I felt physically ill as I strapped Mr. Moo back into the carseat to head home. I've been medicating myself with water today, trying to rinse the system...Seriously, it's way worse than a hangover...I'm pretty sure.

On the postive side, it wasn't my worst run ever and it snapped me out of my grumpy sugar coma, and The Man appreciated that for sure!

Met up with Ren, Natalia'n'Keith for Mad Quilters this weekend. I don't want to ruin Keith's reputation at all by implying that he was no...he was playing on his new laptop, and Mr. Moo was helping him, isn't that cute!

"Look Keith! push this and your character has neverending gombstopper chompers! I play with my dad all the time! No, really, push it."
I pieced nine patches for my polar bear quilt/UFO my goals is to finish piecing that this week since I will be seeing it's soon to be owner on April 10th at the Half I'm running then. She doesn't turn one till later on in that month so I'm hoping to beat the birthday by a few weeks. Yeah I know! I'm a slacker.

Here are Natalia's Blocks of the Month for the last year, minus March's block, since she only got it yesterday, she was working on it though when I (clutching my over sugared stomach) left. I really like the color choices here, and look, Natalia's turtle is the same size as her other blocks, she apparently paid attention in Math class! I know you've heard it before, but I LOVE seeing everyone's blocks, it is so inspiring!

The final shot for the day is of Keith and Mr. Moo, they took the dogs for a walk and the weather got them, keith improvised with bandanas around Mr. Moo's hands followed by doggie bags handy and he even sacrificed his hat for the occasion.

This guy is ready for fatherhood! Only 16 more weeks till his own papoose arrives!

1 comment(s):

  • I wasn't sure if I'd get bonus points for bundling the kidlet, or get demerrits for not calling the rescue wagon.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 3/22/2005 09:09:00 AM  

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